Arabic tattoos are most often seen as words, names, phrases and scripture that have been translated into Arabic. The Arabic alphabet has twenty-eight basic letters each of which can have up to four distinct forms, based on its location within a word: initial (at the start of a word or in the middle of a word following a non-connecting letter), medial (between two letters that connect), final (at the end of a word following a connecting letter) and isolated (used independently or at the end of a word following a non-connecting letter). Many of these letters may look the same, however, one or multiple dots above or below the center of each letter’s form makes them different. Similarly, shapes will change to enable each letter to connect to the letters before and after them. With this creative script being cursive, Arabic writing tattoos appear as exotic works of art with flowing lines and graphic details.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Arabic Writing Tattoos
Arabic tattoos are most often seen as words, names, phrases and scripture that have been translated into Arabic. The Arabic alphabet has twenty-eight basic letters each of which can have up to four distinct forms, based on its location within a word: initial (at the start of a word or in the middle of a word following a non-connecting letter), medial (between two letters that connect), final (at the end of a word following a connecting letter) and isolated (used independently or at the end of a word following a non-connecting letter). Many of these letters may look the same, however, one or multiple dots above or below the center of each letter’s form makes them different. Similarly, shapes will change to enable each letter to connect to the letters before and after them. With this creative script being cursive, Arabic writing tattoos appear as exotic works of art with flowing lines and graphic details.
Angel Tattoos

Christian Angel Tattoos
Christian angel tattoos generally depict angels as having a human forms wearing white robes and having large wings. Christian angel tattoos may also position a halo above the head of the angel. Many of these tattoos are detailed scenes including features such as a cross, Jesus Christ and/or passages from the Bible. The most popular angel tattoos are of the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
In Judiasm, angels are considered to have no physical form. For a more “graphic” style Jewish angel tattoo, many choose to ink the Hebrew word for “angel” onto their skin instead of opting for pictorial designs presenting the angel as a bright light.
Quite simply, fallen angels are angels who have sinned; therefore, their appearance changes from that of pure and holy to a much darker presence. Common elements that are frequently seen in fallen angel tattoos include horned angels and angels with torn wings. These designs are commonly dark using various shades of black ink for a doomed feeling. Motorcycle gangs and those attracted to Gothic design styles are regular fans of fallen angel tattoos.
Cherub tattoos can be playful and youthful while still making a religious declaration. These child-like angels are usually seen with curly hair, dimpled cheeks and chubby physical forms. Many hold banners baring names or special messages while others hold bows and arrows – classic symbols of love – making them fitting memorials for the loss of a child.
American Eagle Tattoos and Eagle Tattoos
Having made their way into pop culture, eagles have appeared as some of the most popular symbols in today’s hottest businesses and trends. As the symbol for many well known brands including Goodyear Tires, Harley Davidson Motorcycles, The National Wildlife Foundation, American Eagle Outfitters and American Airlines, eagles have proven to be a winning theme – as have eagle tattoos!
Chest Tattoo Designs for Women
For all you sassy ladies out there, you can get whatever you want as a chest tattoo. Big bold flowers with butterflies and hearts can make great chest tattoo designs for you. Nautical star tattoos with smaller stars following the big one to make it look like a shooting star also looks brilliant on this part of your body. Symbols, names, fairies, cross tattoos are also some of the many choices you can have for these tattoo designs. Sometimes, women like to make their tattoos in a fashion of a necklace or a neckline so their necks don't look empty ever. But when you get a chest tattoo done, make sure you take good care of it and don't let it hurt your bones. More on flower tattoos.
With these different types of chest tattoo designs, you must have found something of your choice. You can come up with some of your own ideas and get them inked on the chest. If you want it on the chest make sure it's great and attractive.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Arrt
Cherry Blossom Tattoos
Cherry blossoms have also been used throughout traditional Japanese tattooing. Originally cherry blossoms were a revered flower and a symbol that many samurai held close to the hearts. In fact many of the most famous samurai would write poems about the cherry blossom. They felt it represented life and symbolized the temporary existence of life. It therefore acted as a very powerful reminder and symbol to live each day to the fullest since life ends quickly and is delicate like the cherry blossom. Again this is a wonderful symbol that is full of meaning. It looks beautiful and delicate as well as has power behind it. They also can make a great tattoo design. You can choose to do a large tattoo design of the whole cherry blossom tree, just a branch of even just the fallen petals in the snow or water all very deeply symbolic and beautiful.
Full Back Women's Geisha Tattoo

Friday, October 29, 2010
Women's Tribal Tattoo Art Designs

The Tribal tattoo Art Expression
African Tribal tattoo art
Tribes in Africa do not use pigment for tattooing, they cut the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up, then the scar is the tattoo.
The Tribal Tattoo Art
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mori Tribal tattoo Art
The Maori, the aborigines of New Zealand, call their tribal tattoo "Moko" and Mori art is incredible to behold. To the Maori, a person's Moko designs enhanced their prestige and show transition from one social status to another. At its highest level, Moko designs proclaimed the sacredness of chieftainship.
Tribal tattoo art - Celtic Tattoos
Celtic Tattoo Art
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Getting Tattoo Letters Inked
Apart from several popular tattoo pictures, there also some tattoo patterns like tattoo letters that are in vogue and highly demanded by tattoo enthusiasts. Name tattoos,
some scriptures as well as popular phrases seem to rule the tattoo lettering world. Availability of numerous varieties of fonts of English alphabets and diminishing language barriers across the globe have made tattoo letters a highly preferred choice of many tattoo patrons.While opting for tattoo letters, it is always advisable to go for word/s or phase/s that reflect your personality or represents something about you. Moreover, if you want your style to be unique then get the designs modified to suit your preference. This personalization or customization of tattoo letters will help you to connect better you’re your tattoos.
Once you have narrowed down your font choices, try to write your letter/s with the fonts. You will notice that each letter will look very different in different fonts. You may like the style of one letter but not another and so will have to discard the font choices. Hence, carefully select the font that looks perfect with all the letters.
Also consider the tone of the text while choosing the fonts. While some fonts are considered to be appropriate for say memorial tattoos there are others like playful scripts that are most apt for funny and lighter tattoos. You can also ask your tattoo artist for suggestions regarding the right font for your tattoo.
Go to a professional and experienced tattoo artist. This is very important to ensure your tattoo letters are inked the way you want them to be. An expert knows the right way to present the tattoo style and rarely makes mistakes. Even minor mistakes like letter spacing or misspelling can ruin your entire work. So, avoid these situations by trusting a reliable and experienced hand
Popular of Tribal Art Tattoo

Historically, traditional tribal tattoos have been utilized by cultures all over the world for everything from signifying rites of passage and defining social status to augmenting personal beauty and identifying persons of importance. And in fact, the designs of tribal tattoos vary as greatly as the cultures from which they come.
Some tribal art has been traced back to as early as 2000 B.C., and it continues to be used for cultural and social purposes today. Nearly every continent has contributed some form of recognizable tribal tattoo art to the modern-day repertoire.
Tribal tattoo artists may draw from elements originally created by the ancient Egyptians, the North American Indians, West African tribal elders, and many, many more. Although most tattoo seekers today request tribal tattoos based on their visual appeal rather than their social affiliation, the significance of such art cannot be underrated.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Trendy Bracelet Tattoo Art
Should you decide to get the bracelet tattoo designs around your ankle or wrist, just remember that the level of pain in these areas are on a higher scale. These are sensitive areas with a lot of nerve endings and lesser fats to cushion the skin during the tattooing process. Just make sure that aside from being certain with the designs you want, you should also be ready for the pain that comes with tattooing.